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The acquisition of high-power LED

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Producto / Servicio: The acquisition of high-power LED 
número de la demanda:
requisitos de precios: 0.00 cotización de precio
requisitos de embalaje:
ubicación: China Beijing
válido hasta el dia: 1970-01-01
actualizaciones últimas: 2022-09-09
veces de vista: 34
informaciones de datos básicos de empresa


The long-term (cash) acquired a large number of high-power LED light-emitting diode LED light emitting diode, 1W, 3W, 5W. and so {inventory, handling, clearance and side} SMD LED LED 0603,0805,1206,3020,1210,3528,5050 335,215,020 and so on, line type 3MM 5MM piranhas, red hair, blue hair, green hair, white hair, blue blue, green hair. red red, yellow yellow, mist, Astigmatism, long legs., short legs, cut footlights, a side, boundless, oval, within the concave shaped tubes, all kinds of shapes or colored gel can, including the death of light. Some please contact Mr. Xie, thank you! ! !

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